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December 6, 2006 Minutes
December 6, 2006


Chairman Linda Kehoe called the regular meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. at the East Windsor Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.


Members Present:        Linda Kehoe, Richard Osborn, Michael Ceppetelli,
                        Michael Koczera, Rene Thibodeau, John Malin, Janice Warren

        Members Absent: Michael Sawka, Tina McCarter, Alternate

        Also present was Nancy J. Rudek, Zoning/Wetland Enforcement Official.


1.      7C. Wapping Road - receipt of application

2.      Miscellaneous - Grant for NRPC – Janice Warren to provide status

3.      Miscellaneous - Segment 3 of Wetlands training

MOTION:  To add above agenda items.

Mr. Osborn / Mr. Koczera
Vote:  Unanimous
Motion Carried


October Minutes - Revise the October minutes on page 2, 1st paragraph to remove the language, “not only because there were no members of public present to provide input, but also”.

MOTION:  To approve the minutes of October with the revisions made.

Mr. Osborn / Mr. Koczera
Vote:  Unanimous
Motion Carried

November Minutes - move to review the November minutes at the January meeting.

MOTION:  To move the review of the November minutes to the January 2007 meeting.

Mr. Ceppetelli / Mr. Osborn
Vote:  Unanimous
Motion Carried


MOTION:  To take the list of items out of order to hear the Public Hearing last.

Mr. Ceppetelli / Mr. Osborn
Vote:  Unanimous
Motion Carried


A.  221 North Road – Mr. Grimaldi, Engineer and Mr. Strempfer were present.  They addressed the main comments from the town engineer regarding the driveway and due to the length, the proposed driveway must conform to rear lot driveway standards.

With regards to the grading, they have added spot grades creating a low point and work way up so the water will not go onto route 140.  The house is on the high point of the property--everything drains to the wetlands.   The septic is on the highest point and the best soils on property.

Extensive ground water monitoring was done and they received approval from North Central and will need to get DOT approval.  The driveway will need to be paved from the edge of Route 140 up the driveway.  

A Memo from the Town Engineer said that his comments were adequately addressed.  There is one more item that will be done regarding the leaves being cleaned out of the culvert on Rte 140.  Not only the leaves but also the debris will be removed.  The Culvert was full and there was no free flow of water and Mr. Strempfer has agreed to clean it out.  There is a question as to whether or not it is that State’s responsibility, but he will clean it.

The Commission asked how the cleaning of the culvert would affect the ponding area in the front of the property?  The response was that if culvert was put in and was functioning properly, we could assume it will be fine.  The driveway has existed from an old farm road; the pipe is in good shape.

Culvert has been unattended since the 1970’s when house burned down and the occupants moved.

MOTION:  To approve the application.

Mr. Koczera / Mr. Osborn
Vote:  Unanimous
Motion Carried

Comments:  Add a condition that the culvert be cleaned out of all debris and inspected by the Wetlands agent.

B.  North RoadThe Mansions at Canyon Ridge, LLC (Sanitary Sewer proposal)- Dorian Famiglietti of Kahan, Keresnky & Capossela representing the applicant.  Jay Ussery and Tim Coon of J.R. Russo and Michael Gragnolati, soil scientist was present.  They were before the commission Nov 1st and there were no petitions for Public hearing.  Memo of October 30th submitted by Len Norton noted an exception to stock piling.  There will be no stock piling material; it will be placed in a truck, tri-axles while doing construction.  The sewer will start at a gravity out manhole across from Revay’s and down Route 140 to Scantic with new pump station.  Sewer line on shoulder of road at steeper side of incline on North Road, then there is some wetlands and seepage, will leave shoulder and go into street.  To install the pipe, there will be a temporary wetland disturbance of 1,124 feet.  They will come around the culvert pipe to the pump station, which will be located on private property owned by Burnham.  The force main will go east across Route 140 and cross the bridge 4ft under sidewalk, to be hung under the bridge.  The force main will be wrapped in insulation and heated.  It will continue up hill and tie into the existing sewer line.

The pump station located 65 ft – will grade higher about 5 ft.  Erosion controls will be put in place.  Actual wetland disturbance pipe is about 4-1/2 – 5 ft deep.
The Commission asked that the representatives of the applicant to describe the construction process, and how they will maintain movement of the water while performing the construction.  The response was that the location area of disturbance is 3-1/2 ft below 5ft flow area; to put in will take a matter of a few hours.  Temporary damning of flow and would pump to culvert if large flow.  One lane of road will be closed.  

Other options / alternatives:

Location – some in the buffer some out.  There is no way to move completely out of the buffer – will stay in areas already disturbed and not disturb other areas.  

Disturbance area – not feasible to disturb more prudent wetlands – plan only to disturb those areas already disturbed.  To cross culverts to Shoham Road into Warehouse Point would take 10,600 linear feet and to go to Broad Brook would be 4,600 linear feet.  It has a broader benefit to the public, and to undeveloped property on North Road and intersection of Harrington Road that could tie into it.

The Commission questioned how close the sewer would be to the road?  Response was that the closest location on average is 8ft, depending on the width of the shoulder.

Discussion continued regarding shallow wells in the area of these homes.  It was discussed that the only dug well that they were aware of was Kement’s.  The Commission mentioned that they would like it confirmed as to how many dug wells there were or shallow wells that could be affected.

One alternative that was discussed was to hook into the sewer in Enfield.  It was brought up that hooking to Enfield would eliminate the impact to our wetlands.  The applicant did not inquire with Enfield and it was mentioned that there had been other inquiries around Chester’s area and the answer was no, Enfield will not allow it.

Original proposal was to go down Rice Road – 9-10k feet which there are a number of wetlands and culverts on Wells Road.  By using this route, ¾ of it is not a forced line and will allow others to tie into it.  Did not put it in the street due to the cost issue and public safety was also an issue.  It would cause increased construction costs.

The specifics on the pump station – heat trace safeguard, redundant power, etc.  Pump station will have a generator.  WPCA has looked at what the capacity could be.  There are visual and auditorial alarms that are on a wireless system at the treatment plant.  If there is a problem, it sets off an alarm, which is redundant and sets off an alarm at 2 stations.  

The furthest point off the road is 8ft by Kement’s property and Mrs. Kement’s property.  After that toward Broad Brook some areas have erosion from water run-off on the Road, they will control that with silt fence and intermittent check of dams.

The maps make a reference to stock piling and the applicant will take that out.  They will put back the soil in the same organic profile and will put a note on the map.

At the top of the hill where it meets Main Street, around the corner it slopes off and is very steep.  There is seeping and the road has failed.  They will have Clarence Welti of Geotech, come in to do borings along that area.  They want to tell DOT what the problem is before the pipe goes in so that the applicant is not held responsible.

The Commission asked how the River would be affected.  The applicant will come down the sidewalk side of the road and will come through the wing wall.  The Commission also questioned how the applicant would protect the river and the sides, etc.  The response was that there is none proposed.  The only debris will be dust; they are going to core the concrete.  The concrete dust will be minimal and will have no negative impact.  

The drainage swales come by the Kement’s property and disappear.  The catch basin picks up the runoff.  The precautionary measures that are being taken are for the exposed pipe, which will be made of cast iron pipe and insulated which will make them less likely to develop a leak.  There are 2 inches of insulation in a steel jacket.  

The issue arose again of the shallow wells.  This is a question of whether or not this is a wetlands jurisdictional issue.  Planning and Zoning will address ground water supply.  There is a question to the relation with shallow wells and the wetland permit.  This will be looked into and if need be will be put as a condition, but at this time the Commission doesn’t want to hold up the process.  Would also like the applicant to report back on the Enfield hook up question previously.

Conditions:  Plan Revisions
1)      Remove stockpiling note on Sheet 7 of 10 of the plans, as there will be no stockpiling of material for this project.
2)      After excavating wetland soils for installation of sewer pipe, the organic soils should be put back on top for quicker wetland re-establishment.
3)      A report will be provided to staff regarding any shallow wells in the area of the sewer line extension.  If the proposal requires redesigning due to well locations, this will be reviewed by staff to determine whether a permit modification is required by the Inland Wetland Agency.
4)      All soil test borings, to determine stability, will be completed prior to the start of construction.
5)      As a possible feasible alternative, the applicant or its representatives should provide the Inland Wetland Agency, the results of the inquiry, from the Town of Enfield, about the possibility of tying into their sanitary sewer.

MOTION:  To approve the application with the exceptions discussed.

Mr. Koczera / Mr. Osborn
Vote:  Unanimous
Motion Carried

BREAK for a 5 minute recess

Meeting called back to order at 9:25

C.  Winkler Road - Tim Coon of J.R. Russo was present to discuss.  This is a proposed subdivision – 5 lots on Winkler Road that are separate from Newberry Village on Newberry Road.  Some Wetlands, lots proposed to be 1 acre at minimum up to 1-1/2 acres.  Lots to be served by public water and sewer.  Driveways will be 18ft wide to allow access by fire trucks.  There are some rear wetlands with mitigation plantings, 12.46 acres – 7% conservation easement, which will prevent clearing and provide buffers and protect rear wetlands.  Falls within the 150 ft regulated area.  Len Norton asked the applicant to show the regulated area and current runoff sheet flow across driveways.  Lot 2&5 notes on plans, the driveways graded to allow sheet flow across lot 3 providing right to discharge.  

Surface water run-off alternate – the applicant felt it best to have limited runoff across driveways and that sheet flow the best alternative.  The homeowner will create a swale under the driveway to allow water to flow where it’s flowing now to the wetlands.  The impacts are minor and indirect.  

Motion:  To schedule a Public Hearing for January 3, 2007 on the matter of LTP Realty to conduct regulated activities associated with a 5 lot single-family residential re-subdivision.

Mr. Osborn / Mr. Koczera
Vote:  Unanimous
Motion Carried

Discussion:  One Commissioner commented that all he/she sees is wetlands, wetlands, wetlands.  If a homeowner wants to put in a pool, all that he/she sees is controversy.  There is a question of significant activity.  The last time this came up, there were a lot of people concerned with Newberry Road because of the significant amount of wetlands.  George T. Logan, Wetland Soil Scientist of REMA Ecological Services will provide more information.

Vote:  Unanimous

Will be heard at the next meeting on January 3rd.  There will be a public hearing at that time.  There are positive effects and 1 member supports the sheet flow of the driveways.


Move 9B before VII due to its nature as it is related to 7A

MOTION:  For hearings to go out of order and address agent decision issue.

Mr. Ceppetelli / Mr. Koczera
        Vote:  Unanimous
        Motion Carried

Agent Decisions

B.  Newberry Road - Agent decision to move forward to Planning and Zoning – line reconfiguration/resubdivision of property.




A.  Newberry Road – Newberry Village Phase IV – Dorian Famiglietti of Kahan, Kerensky and Capossela representing the applicant, LTP Realty, Inc. is requesting a modification to the conditions of the prior permits approved.  The applicant is in the process of re-subdividing a portion of Phase 4, a section of the property on Blue Heron Lane.
 The original approval of Phase 4 was Blue Heron Lane and 7 units.  Chickadee Court – modify to Phase 4 just Blue Heron Lane and units to Phase 1.  
Following the presentation and discussion, the Commission agreed on the following conditions, as modifications to Inland Wetland Permit #1358, and those applicable to Inland Wetland Permit #1351.

Conditions in approval (modifications)
1)      “Keep-out”/”No Trespassing” signs to be placed along the front of the property on Newberry Road for 300 feet, beginning at the westerly boundary of the newly resubdivided piece (new Phase IV).

2)      Before commencement of site work for the remaining property/phases, Conservation Easements are to be marked with 4x4 pressure treated posts with Conservation Easement Disks provided by the Planning & Development Office.  These stakes are to be located at each change of boundary direction and/or every 100 feet.
3)      Mitigation to be provided for the new Phase 4 as development for this phase progresses and provided for the remaining phases in entirety (1, 2, 3 and the new Phase 5) as development for this group of phases progresses.
4)      The project engineer shall clearly delineate the limits of disturbance for the new delineation of Phase 4.
5)      There will be no installation of any utilities in Phases 1, 2 & 3 until successful completion of the new Phase 4.  There will be no installation of utilities in the new Phase 5 until successful completion of Phases 1, 2 & 3.

The modifications and revisions to Phase 4 will result in Phase 4 containing 11 buildings (15 units) on a lot size of 10.93 acres of a total parcel of 117.45 acres.  Resubdivision and modifications to Phase 4 resulting in a new Phase 5 containing 6 buildings, 7 units (which is the remaining balance from Phase 4).

Final wording of conditions to be reviewed by Inland Wetland Agent and Chairman.

MOTION:  To approve the amended modifications with the Conditions, as discussed.

Mr. Osborn / Mr. Thibodeau
Vote:  Unanimous
Motion Carried

B.  216 South Main Street (Dunkin Donuts) – Jay Ussery of J.R. Russo is present, representing the owner, John Silva.  A report by Clarence Welti Geotechnical Engineering indicated concerns with slope stability.  Based on boring tests, Mr. Welti recommended that the slope be regraded to a 3:1 slope.  This would move the slope closer to the parking lot.  The original approval had a deferred parking area, which will now be eliminated.

MOTION:  To approve the modification to the existing permit to allow regrading of the rear slope.

Mr. Osborn / Mr. Thibodeau
        Vote:  Unanimous
        Motion Carried


        A.  206 East Road – Mr. Ken Hunt, the property owner, submitted a letter in writing, requesting that this item be continued to the January meeting.

MOTION:  To continue to the January meeting.

Mr. Ceppetelli / Mr. Osborn
        Vote:  Unanimous
        Motion Carried

AGENDA Addition:

MOTION:  To Accept receipt of the Wapping Road application Excavation operation) by Herb Holden Trucking.

Mr. Koczera / Mr. Osborn
Vote:  Unanimous
Motion Carried


        A.  257 South Water Street - Len Norton’s comments to the engineer were responded to via email.  Questions were raised as to what the total area of upland is on the parcel.  Zone R3 A2 parcel B 1.9 what is upland?  The applicant was instructed to obtain this information from his engineer.  The letter submitted from the neighbor will be reviewed by the Inland Wetland Agent.  The plans should indicate the limits of clearing.

MOTION:  To receive application.

Mr. Osborn / Mr. Koczera
Vote:  Unanimous
Motion Carried

MOTION:  To continue the remainder of the agenda to the next meeting.

Mr. Koczera / Mr. Osborn
Vote:  Unanimous
Motion Carried

MOTION:  To adjourn at 10:38

Mr. Osborn / Mr. Thibodeau
        Vote:  Unanimous
        Motion Carried


Respectfully Submitted,

Lori P. Holden
Recording Secretary